Saturday, February 25, 2012

Zany Book Titles

Here's a change from my usually serious political, technological, and medical fare: humour!  Yes, that's right, I said humour.  With a 'u'.  That's the way it's spelled correctly.

So, I was looking through my library the other day.  Yes, I read ink-and-paper books; in the decadent age before Kindles and iSlabs and other ridiculous nonsense like that, that's all we had.  I noticed some titles that seemed to leap out at me from the bookshelf, just like their equally weird and wonderful authors.  Without further ado, here they are:

- Auto Repair for Dummies, by I. Will Fix
- An Introduction to Law, by Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe
- The Economic Impact of Crime, by Robin Banks
- Advanced Mining Safety, by Dinah Mite
- A Textbook On Urinary Lithotomy, by I. P. Freeley
- Sex: The Ins and Outs of the Ins and Outs, by Heywood Jablome
- Elementary Psychiatry, by Lucinda Heade
- Cooking for Breakfast, by Chris P. Bacon
- Hypogonadism in the Adult Male, by Drew P. Wiener
- The Complete Idiot's Guide to Plumbing, by Dwayne Pipe
- Depression: A Medical Overview, by Sarah Tonin
- A Clinical Guide to Neurology, by Sarah Bellum
- Chronic Pain Management, by Moe Fiennes
- An Introduction to Queue Theory, by Yul B. Neckst
- Addiction Therapy, by Hugh Foria
- Gifts for All Occasions, by N. M. T. Bochs
- The Culture of New Orleans, by Marty Graw
- A Guide to Engineered Textiles, by Polly Esther Close

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