Friday, February 18, 2011

Poetry Time!

Here's a little ditty I wrote to occupy my time and to share my feelings with the world.

Calm---the train is coming...
Up above, the light still humming.
Your shadow's blue in the morning sunrise,
And you're cold in your coat.

Wrap my thumb
Squeeze as hard as your tired arms will let you!
It's okay---
Just lay down.

Can you tell this: how much you've taken
Can you tell this: when you began to feel unwell
Hell, I guess we'll try to save you.

I see that guy on the rooftop
I never knew what blue felt like:
oh, everything so soft and cold!
Hello---goodbye!  My love, I need a little assistance:
They cut my pantlegs open, and they stole my shoes.

Everything green and living
Sweat's warm, waiting quiet in the night
The sirens came in, blew on by;
They check for your ID
So take in car your next-of-kin
Then all they find is a piece of foil
And the trouble that you're in

I feel the light like a penny velvet
I never knew what debt felt like
I got some pennies in my pockets---if you want, just help yourself

Hello---goodbye!  My love, I need a little assistance:
They cut my pantlegs open, and they stole my shoes.

I am the sun
I am the happy sun that all the children draw
I am the crescent moon that hangs up on your wall
My fingers scribble in the bottom of your sea
I'm pretty sure that naked stretcher was for me

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